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Prelude to an end

Cette pièce-recherche à été conduite dans la période après les attentats de Paris et Belgique en 2015. C'est la démonstration d'un rituel qui joue sur le contraste entre la terreur et la pureté.

Preludes to an End is a dance/performance piece which, taking its inspiration from popular representations of love and war throughout photography, cinema and video gaming, is about endings (of loves, of wars, of civilisations, of dances, of performances themselves) and the rituals that we go through before these endings.  It takes a particular interest in the preparation for the end - how the private self dresses itself up in order to become a public self - and how this prepared public self dissolves as it faces a point of termination: the tense, charged space before an ending. Living as we are at a moment of potential cultural collapse (as our culture panders excitedly to visions of apocalypse and dystopia), I feel the topic of endings a rather urgent one to bring into theatres.

Dan Musset

Chorégraphe: Dan Musset


Interprètes: Mery Coopman, Elsa Ferret,

Dan Musset, Marie Luyten, Wannes Labath.

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